
Monday, October 23, 2006

Research paper- The concept of an afterlife is interpreted differently in religions such as Buddhism, Scientology, and Judaism.


- good site for jewish traditions, culture, etc



I will discuss the traditional death ceremonies of Judaism, Buddhism and Scientology. Also, I will breifly describe the beleifs of each religion. Then, I iwll talk about the specific beleifs in an afterlife, and then describe it: Where? What will happen to your soul, etc. Lastly, I will sum everything up and compare at the end.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


To me, being capable physically starts with the mental basics. Mentally, I am advantaged because I can deal with stress, and not break down. Sometimes I get a little frustrated, but I can easily handle that with a bucket of balls, my stick Maui, and a target. Breaking windows with a power shot really helps take the pain away. My weakeness mentally is expressing how I really feel. Sharing my feelings and opening up is my mental handicap.
I am short. Sometimes, it can be an advantage. But most of the time, it just makes me an easy target for intimidation. Also, physically my short legs get me no where. I am always the last one walking in a group of tall freinds. It can get me left behind as well. However, physically I can run short distances in good time. On field- surface sprints are probably one of my strenghts, along with my long nail beds. Everyone is handicapped in some aspect, and strong in others. I've learned to live with the fact that I will probably never be any taller then five feet one inch, and that not everyoen is perfect.

Monday, October 16, 2006

A-Z autobiography

Anime is scary and just plain too weird for me.
"Play lacrosse? You need balls!" That is probably one of my favorite sayings.
Conneticut is the home of my real italion stalion cousins. I see them almost every summer.
Dogs have always been my pets.
Elephants have always been my dream pets.
I like to see my futere as bright, opportuinity-filled, and away fro southern Georgia.
Once, I fell off a horse, and ever since my dad hasn't been happy about me going. My hospital bill for a concussion and broken arm was expensive.
One day, I would love to visit Israel.
Judiasm is fun, and I have always believed in one and only Hashem.
Katz is my last name. It has always gotten me laughs in the past, but I love it.
Lissy is my nikcname, and in sports they call me Liss.
If could, soemiems I would love o just wear a mask and hide from reality.
Unlike many Jewish people, I am told I have a small, cute nose.
Opinions can be hurtful, but I try to ignore one's other people give off.
Personality wise, I am funy, hardworking, and talkative.
"we have nothing to fear but fear itself," is a wise quote I respect.
Reality is harsh and getting harder so face every day.
"today" shall be treasured for every tomorrow.
My grandpa Sandy wants me to go to undergrad and be a lawer before he dies.
Vivacious is a cool word.
Why do we have to grow up?
Xylaphones were the instruments that were always in thsoe A,B,C movies I watched as a child.
My grandma always sed malti-colored yarn to make blankets for my sister and I.
Z is the last letter. The word zelious is fun and remeinds me of rennaisance times.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I definitely want to die the least pain-filled way possible. Even now, at age 14, I fear dying, although it is so far away. When I die, I'd like to go peacefully. After I die in a serene sleep, I beleive that there is an afterlife waiting for me. There I will see all of those deceased that I once knew. As a Jewish custom, I want to be burried, not creamated. Creamation seems so painful, although you are dead. I want to stay under the earth forever, or until nuclear wars tear me apart. Some people would like their ashes to be spread all around the world, or their body donated to science. Me, I want to peacefully enjoy my after life, knowing where my dead body lays.