
Thursday, December 07, 2006

Similarities between Three Miyatkis

Among the three Miyatkis we watched, I saw a constant similarity: They all included weird town names. The setting in all three of the movies was between two different towns, sometimes both human and sometimes only one normal. Also, the creatures in these three movies were all unrealistically interesting. They included spirits or big, glob-like creatures with slime dripping from left to right. To me, these movies were about heroic strategies. The good and evil persons were always apparent and the intentions always predictable. Although these movies really usually aren't my beef, I did enjoy them for a change.

Similarities between Three Miyatkis

Among the three Miatkis we watched, I saw a constant similarity: They all included weird town names. The setting in all three of the movies was between two different towns, sometimes both human and sometimes only one normal. Also, the creatures in these three movies were all unrealistically interesting. They included spirits or big, glob-like creatures with slime dripping from left to right. To me, these movies were about heroic strategies. The good and evil persons were always apparent and the intentions always predictable. Although these movies really usually aren't my beef, I did enjoy them for a change.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My opinions about "Waking Life" and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

Waking Life

Throughout the movie of "Waking Life", I felt motion sickness. The way the animation like floated around the screen was a style I have never seen before. Although the movie seemed very opinionated to me, it also made me think a lot! "Waking Life" was one of those movies that gave me a taste of reality. The questions, "where really am I?", "Why am I here and where am I going," raced through my head throughout the animation.
All of the peoples' opinions about what they think life is about and what we are doing here really touched me somehow. The fact that we could be reincarnated right now, and not living our first life scares me. Dying scares me. Sometimes, when you think about death, people think you "are not happy with yourself", suicidal, or insane. But for me, just the thought of actually not breathing, opening my eyes, or not having a heartbeat again scares me.
It is like maybe sometimes I take this life for granted; this life. The only one I will ever have in this body. After my heart stops beating, I will never again get to run my long fingers through my silky hair ever again. My brown eyes will never sparkle again, my bones never break, thick leg hair never grow, and boobs never get bigger! I know sometimes I wish my life would just end out of boredom or humiliation, but when it comes down to the fact that I'll never be this person again, I second guess myself and why I am here.
The main character in "Waking Life" seemed lost and looking for answers to the questions of "Where am I going", and "What happens next?" And I guess he is a character pretty much inspired by everyone, and the hidden questions we hide.
After seeing the man find answers, I wonder if I too can ever find an answer to life; reality is confusing. This movie made it somewhat even more complex, and makes me think maybe I have kinda been living a lie.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

"Eternal Sunshine OSM," made me realize how so many people don't have the self-help to just "GET OVER IT!" They need scientific help from psychologists and fancy brain machines to move on with their lives. And, I am glad that that isn't me. Throughout this movie, I thought about happy moments I have encountered, and ones that made me feel like crap. But I realized that all-in-all, I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Some parts of the movie made me really sad though. The parts where he was a child again really made me miss those days. I know it is stupid, but sometimes I just breakdown over the fact that I am growing up! Although this movie was really good to watch, it kind of confused me and made me sad. I payed more attention during this movie, but for some reason, it is hard to relate to and understand its' full concept. "Waking Life" might have been boring, but I think I really did understand more of it then "Eternal SOSM." I got more out of the theories about what I am and where I am going. It gave me somewhat a sort of reassurance!